Call for Participants: Smart Environment: A Challenge for Digital Cities
The Centre for Alumni & the Digital Cities Research Institute, Multimedia University are organising a forum entitled “Smart Environment: A Challenge for Digital Cities”.
Open to all and don’t miss the boat! Breakfast will be provided to all participants.
Limited seats available, so let’s register HERE before 10 July 2019.
See you there!
For more information on Alumni event and activities, please click this webpage.
Thank you.

he MMU Digital Futures Research Hub is a multi-disciplinary platform for research on the digitalization of our society. The goal is to foster innovative, cutting-edge multi-disciplinary research, and to provide outstanding training for talented young scholars and students through 8 research institutes.
The hub is a community and industry centric entity, with 20 professor chairs that brings together universities, governmental and industrial research organizations, as well as state and federal governments.